The Art Of Letting Go Workshop
What We Will Cover
Letting go of the old you, habits, and outdated mindsets is the only way to step into the big shoes waiting for you. It's time to stop playing small and settling for less than you deserve, call yourself forward, and get clear on HOW to let go. This chat is for anyone who has something holding them back and needs support to release it. The ENERGY and direction in this chat are going to change your life. I am going to do 97% of the talking. Come absorb the energy.
What We Will Cover:
You will be invited to acknowledge your pain point without shame, which is the only way to do so safely. (I will teach you how and hold space for you to do so.)
Clarity: You will leave with an exact plan to help you release what is holding you back.
Self-Image: changing your life is always about your self-image. A shift in your self-image can 10x your life. This is deeply connected to your belief system.
Release the old you by changing how you tell your story. I will teach you how to use positive self-talk to authentically process and shift your energy field with pain. I don’t teach bydon'tng; I teach integration and owning a powerful inner voice.
You will discover a writing practice I use to heal, shed, and release thoughts and emotions. I journal daily, and I will show you how five minutes can drastically change your life.
Communication: you will leave with the exact phrases needed to ask others to support, honor, and protect you! You are not working this hard just for you. Some people love you. You get out of life who you are. I will show you how to ask your people to support you, the people releasing a piece of you.