Sylvester has extensive experience working with diverse groups (15+ years), including the mental health startup Felt, the meditation company Insight Timer, the relationship empowerment Company Real Love Ready, Warrior Retreats in Peru, Radiance Wellness Festival, and private clients in Greece and Canada, the United States, and Costa Rica. Sylvester can engage and inspire any audience with his blend of humor, structured frameworks, and infectious energy. Sylvester will uplift the power of your group, heal them, and encourage them to live in harmony with their highest self. To book Sylvester for your event, please complete the form with as much detail as possible, and a member of our team will promptly assist you.

- Schools
- Retreats
- Corporate events
- In-person seminars
- Online webinars/workshops
- Personal development workshops
- Entrepreneurship conferences or meeting
- Athletic events: games, practices, or speaking to the team privately.
- Anything related to personal development, energy, and being your highest self