Live The Life You Deserve: How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You and Embody Your Highest Self

Live The Life You Deserve:
How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You and Embody Your Highest Self

I can't even explain my excitement. Before I say anything about this book, I want to THANK YOU!!! Without you, this wouldn't be possible. Writing for me has always been a dream, something to do for fun, something to help me understand life. Being a real-life author is a dream come true. As I sip this morning's cold brew and listen to the interstellar soundtrack, I am actually just overwhelmed with so much joy that a small gangsta' tear is collecting energy in my upper right eye. Just keep this between us, though!

There is so much to say about why I wrote this book. I'm going to list it in ten bullet points. If you know me, you know I can go on and on, but this morning, I want to be clear and concise. 

  • I want you to stop playing small.

  • I want people to stop waiting until they are near death to live.

  • You don't have as much time as you think, and I want you to act.

  • I don't want you to settle for anything less than you deserve.

  • I want to upgrade the way you think and talk about your life.

  • I want you to heal deeper so you can shine brighter.

  • I want you to get the money, the girl, the guy, the success, the peace of mind you deserve.

  • I want to see you living in alignment with the life you want.

  • I want you to stop using self-defeating thoughts, and I want you to be a deliberate creator of life.

  • I want you to let go of outdated wounds, mindsets, people, habits, personality traits, and identities that hold you back from living your greatest life. 

I can, and I will keep going. But that's why I wrote this book. To light a fire in you, heal you, inspire you, and give you words that will support and guide you. Go pre-order the book right now using the link below.

I love you. I will always encourage you. I will always remind you of your greatness. Thank you for being here. Go pre-order the book.